Stand out campaign

The Opportunity
A lot of teens are dealing with real risks when it comes to vaping, drinking, or misusing prescription meds. It might seem harmless, but these choices can mess with your health and your future more than you might think. That’s where the Stand Out campaign comes in.
Campaign Instructions
Teens will use campaign flyers provided from the Stand Out Campaign to distribute informative and empowering content on one of two topics. (We are currently featuring alcohol and prescription drug use). The campaign flyers can be distributed digitally or physically, and participants can choose how to share them within their schools and communities.
Steps to Participate
2. CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC: Select one of the two focus topics: Alcohol (Pour It Out), or prescription drug use (Throw it Out).
3. GET THE MATERIALS: Use the supplies we mail you and the digital materials we send via email to print copies of the flyers.
- Bathroom Stall Readers: If permitted by your school, print and post your materials in bathroom stalls for a captive audience.
- Classroom Collaborations: Partner with teachers to incorporate the materials into classroom discussions or as part of a mini-curriculum.
- Chapter Meetings: Share the materials during your Chapter Meetings to spread knowledge and spark conversations.
- Come Up With Your Own Ideas!
Take photos of your materials in use and share them on social media with the hashtag #youthvision. Tag us to show your participation.
Get Recognized
We’ll be looking for standout efforts and rewarding those individuals or groups who make a big impact.