Why Chapters:
Chapters allow students to stay connected to other teens who choose to live substance free. They also serve as a resource for students who are using substances to connect and see what is it like to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.
Where can they exist:
Chapters can be in any space where students naturally hang out! This can be a school, community center, boys and girls club or anything in between!
What chapters hope to change:
Chapters strive to be a space for students to come as they are and belong to something bigger than themselves. Chapters provide teens with the opportunity to be involved in something safe, fun, and youth led. Through the chapter program, teens gain skills that allow them to positively impact their communities such as communication skills, goal setting, and leadership opportunities.
Simply put, through chapters we hope to create a culture that promotes sobriety and enhances the individual.
Our chapter program is a one time $200 fee per school or location.
Our team strives to provide high quality, low cost opportunities for communities. If you are interested in the program but struggling with the price, please contact us!