Our Mission:
To empower youth to lead happy & healthy lives

For 30 years, iDFY has been a leader in statewide substance prevention. Our mission is simple to inspire young people to make positive choices and lead happy and healthy lives. We know that when students feel accepted and connected, they develop healthy coping skills and in turn live a substance free lifestyle
iDFY’s goal is to embrace individuals as they are, and invite youth to belong to something positive.

Our values
To fulfill the need for young people to discover their full potential through meaningful leadership and service to create powerful change in their schools and communities.
To provide opportunities for youth to participate in positive, community-building events and unique experiences that strengthen character and inspire ingenuity.
To educate youth, families and community members about the risks of using drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
To build a statewide community of youth and adults who promote a drug free way of life for all students by encouraging positive peer and adult influence and recognizing those who are making healthy choices.
Who We Serve:
To empower youth to lead happy & healthy lives

IDFY supports youth across the state, serving over 5,000 Idaho youth ages 12-18 per year. IDFY takes a universal approach to prevention, seeking to impact high and low risk students, youth from rural and urban communities, as well as supporting historically underrepresented populations, such as LGBTQ+ youth. IDFY works to ensure the demographics of our participants represent all of Idaho.