We are a youth-driven movement for a happier & healthier future.
Plain and simple: We believe in young people.
Because kids these days are awesome.
What we’re all about

In youth we trust.

We trust in teens to lead the charge on creating a happy & healthy future for Idaho. Because kids these days are awesome. ✌️

Created by teens for teens.

We provide the tools—you build it. Youth Vision will give you the skills and resources that will help you be a positive force for change in your community.

Scare Tactic-Free Zone.

We know that prevention is not just about saying no. Because 1) teenagers don’t like being told what to do, and 2) practical drug education programs are either super boring or kinda scary. No frightening statistics or snooze-worthy presentations here. Instead, we aim to fulfill what teens like you really want and need—to belong and be accepted.

Fun is a requirement.

Our philosophy is “When in doubt, dance it out.” Fun is where we break down barriers and let our authenticity shine. You bring the party just by being yourself.

Going for the BOLD.

We are loud and proud about living happy & healthy. Being drug-free is a lifestyle we support, encourage, and boldly stand by.

Want to get involved?
Youth Vision is IDFY’s newest teen-driven leadership program that inspires Idaho Youth to become empowered voices for their communities. We trust in teens to lead the charge on creating a happy & healthy future for Idaho. Because kids these days are awesome

Youth Vision works with teens to create uplifting and engaging community campaigns that encourage a substance-free lifestyle. We train regional ambassadors in leadership, prevention best practices, and social media strategy to generate real-world change.

Through interactive outreach projects and local presentations, Youth Vision Ambassadors engage Idaho youth in honest conversations surrounding drugs and alcohol, and encourage positive social activities.

We are looking for passionate, creative young people to become Youth Vision Ambassadors. apply to become an ambassador by clicking here